Sunday, 20 November 2016

Make Your Own Cough Syrup

All natural ingredients makes quick and healthy remedy for cold cold and cough

The chilly winters are great time of the year for lots of fun activities in Pakistan specially Karachi, but the joy is at time all spoiled with cold, cough and flu. Who wants to be down when so much fun is around, yes there are plenty of off shelf medicines, syrups and tablets but they come with side effects and compromise on immunity in the long run.

This winter I came up with this wonderful delicious and fragrant syrup that I made at home, all packed with immunity boosting and antibiotic properties.

It is a simple concoction of lemon and oranges that are packed with vitamins, minerals and flavanoids, mixed with  fresh turmeric that is used from ancient times for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties and boost immune system all mixed with the nutritious honey .

A refreshing warm, light drink to stay away from cold and cough

Lemons: Choc a block full of therapeutic properties, this miracle citrus fruit is rich in Vitamin B and C, high in  Potassium. Known for its a
ntibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, controls infections and helps in boosting immunity, relieves cold and flu. 

Oranges: A very popular ingredient of ancient chinese medicine, a potent source of Vitamnin B and C, and full of several valuable minerals including Calcium, and citrus flavanoids. Orange is  vital for the proper function of a healthy immune system, it is good for preventing colds, it is calming and helps in sleeping.

Thinly sliced lemon and oranges

Mince the fresh turmeric and ginger
Turmeric: The very popular spice in curries, and we all use it in almost everything we cook, but few people use it fresh. Those who use fresh turmeric will agree that its taste and flavour is completely different from the powdered packaged versions. Fresh turmeric is very fragrant citrusy and fruity and pleasure to eat even raw.  For this concoction I used fresh turmeric easily available in winters .

Turmeric is declared as superior then medicines and can replace many strong prescriptive drugs. Among many health benefits of turmeric is also its strong property of acting as natural steriod, anti
 inflamatory and antiseptic.

Ginger: Another everyday cooking ingredient we cant live without, and for the right reason because of its endless health benefits. Its warming and drying qualities help in cold flu and cough.

Honey: Who does know of this amazing food, it is packed with vitamins, amino acids, minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphate. Among the endless properties of honey it also helps alleviate allergies and helps in sinus issues.
Add honey

Pour everything in a clean jar
Now using these easily available full of health benefits lets make a syrup that can be used to brew a drink helping over come common cold flu and cough including chronic bronchitus.

Weight the following:

100gms lemon or 3 large  pr 5 small (any kind would)
2 Oranges
50gms ginger root minced
50gms turmeric fresh minched
150gms honey

 -Slice the lemon and oranges very thin
-Add the minced ginger and turmeric
- Stir in honey
-Mix everything with a spatula or spoon
-Store in a clean sterilized jar and refrigerate

Make the brew:

Take out a heap tablespoon of this mixture in a clear glass/mug

Pour over hot boiling water
Let is steep in 5-5 minutes and then drink
Option add a pinch of cinnamon too if you like